Statement: Housing Australia Future Fund
They have sat on their hands for a decade and watched the coalition foster this housing situation that we are now facing. And now, because there is a bill before the house with some serious action on housing, the most significant package we've seen in decades, they want to complain.

Take Note: Energy
I'm delighted to rise and take note of some of the responses we heard in question time today and particularly to have an opportunity to talk about how the Labor government is powering Australian communities with batteries—and not just individual batteries but community batteries, whereby we can support powering so many homes: 100,000 homes will benefit from this initiative. There are 400 batteries to roll out, and they will power entire communities. They will help entire communities to lower their electricity prices, which I'm very, very proud of.

Bills - Safeguard Mechanism (Crediting) Amendment Bill 2022 - Second Reading
As the Chair of the Senate Environment and Communications Committee I chaired the inquiry into this bill, and I can assure you that the contributions that we heard from industry, from environment and climate groups, from business and from emitters are much, much more balanced than we are hearing in this chamber tonight.

Adjournment - South Australia: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice
In decades and centuries gone by, the laws of our state and the colony that preceded it have done so much to deliberately disenfranchise, disempower and disadvantage Aboriginal people. Today we use those laws to do exactly the opposite.

Statements By Senators - Human Rights
All people are entitled to respect and opportunity and to participate in the social, cultural and economic life of our nation, free from hatred or harassment. Labor is committed to defending the principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, both at home and abroad. This commitment is central to what Labor stands for, and what we have always stood for.

Bills - National Reconstruction Fund Corporation Bill 2023 - Second Reading
This is an essential step for our country, for rebuilding our industrial capability and for creating secure and well-paid jobs. The lack of vision that we saw from the Liberal government has led to policy drift and decline in our manufacturing self-sufficiency. This bill is not just another piece of legislation; it is a crucial step towards rebuilding our industrial capability, creating those jobs and securing our future prosperity.

Matter of Public Importance- Energy
The Minister for Climate Change and Energy has laid out the government's energy and emissions reduction plan, and has clearly articulated, very clearly articulated, that nuclear will not be a part of Australia's energy mix.

Questions Without Notice: Answers To Questions
History is important because we look back on history to try not to do the things that didn't work again and to do more of the things that did work, to learn from that experience.

Murray-Darling Basin
I was quite delighted to meet with a bunch of PhD students from the Fenner school at the ANU. They are a range of really, really impressive young people who have fixed on concepts and ideas that they believe will improve the Murray-Darling Basin.

Girls with Attitude 100%
A group I have spoken about previously in this chamber, Girls with Attitude 100%, which is run out of Para Hills School in Adelaide, was set up in 2019, and it has taken a group of young girls each year and worked with them around what they can do in the school to actually change the environment they are growing up in and learning in.

Committed to Net Zero
So many people have committed to net zero, not just us, not just this parliament, not just industry. It is widespread. We understand—the country understands—that this needs to be done.

Closing the Gap Report
We are not there; we are not making sufficient progress. There are far too many of the recommendations that are either stagnant or going backwards.

Fight for Australia's Coastline Bill 2022
The transition to more sustainable energy sources needs to be done carefully. It needs to be done in a balanced way. It needs to be done responsibly. I think the eight months of this Labor government has shown that we are making significant progress after 10 long years of irresponsible action.

First Nations Recognition
The Malinauskas Labor government this week introduced the First Nations Voice Bill 2023. I am deeply proud to be a South Australian and see that occur.

Cost of Living
We heard a lot, through those three days, of what Australians already know: inflationary pressures from external global factors and a decade of policy inaction are making household budgets tighter and placing pressure on people in this country who are struggling to afford the basics.
Northern Territory Safe Measures Bill 2023 - Second Reading
We need better solutions because the First Nations people of Alice Springs and across the whole of this country deserve so much more. They deserve greater respect. They deserve better solutions. They deserve a greater say in how issues are dealt with and how solutions are found. We must do better.

Global Biodiversity Framework
I rise to address the urgency motion put forward by Senator McKim regarding the need to end native forest logging.

National Anti-Corruption Commission
It's a powerful, independent, transparent commission. It will investigate serious or systemic corruption in the federal public sector, and for those who are asking the question: no, politicians are not exempt; no, the Labor Party is not exempt. This is real. This is transparent. This is going to make a fundamental difference.

Workplace Relations
The Labor government believes agreements can be reached on work sites and that we can obtain a balance. We know that there are employers out there who are raring to take advantage of Labor's industrial relations policies.

Celebrating our Emergency Services
I acknowledge and thank the continued work of our state emergency services, our country fire services and their dedicated volunteers who are working tirelessly to assist communities impacted by floods across Australia.