Girls with Attitude 100%
Senator Grogan: Earlier this month we celebrated International Women's Day, and as part of the Albanese Labor government I'm so proud that we are the first majority-female government in this country's history. We have delivered significant improvements in areas such as affordable child care, paid parental leave and paid domestic violence leave, and these things are all going to improve the wellbeing of women. However, the Status of Women Report Card released earlier this month shows us that in many areas women are still experiencing inequality. We are committed to changing this, and I want to take some time today to commend the grassroots community groups and organisations out there that are promoting gender equality, particularly to young women and girls.
A group I have spoken about previously in this chamber, Girls with Attitude 100%, which is run out of Para Hills School in Adelaide, was set up in 2019, and it has taken a group of young girls each year and worked with them around what they can do in the school to actually change the environment they are growing up in and learning in. I was delighted to be out there last week when we saw the program expanded to Ingle Farm Primary School, which is one of the neighbouring schools, and the two sets of girls got together for a session. As I said, I was delighted to be there. I want to shout out to both of those schools, Para Hills and Ingle Farm, for the work they've done in promoting these young girls and the work they've done promoting gender equality. Well done.