Committed to Net Zero

Senator Grogan: In the last nine months, with strong support from business, industry organisations, investor groups, unions, civil society and state and territory governments, we have increased the ambition to decarbonise our industry, to address climate change and to put Australia back in the place it needs to be in terms of working towards a better future: net zero. So many people have committed to net zero, not just us, not just this parliament, not just industry. It is widespread. We understand—the country understands—that this needs to be done.

The problem we face is that to get there we need the safeguard mechanism. The reforms to the safeguard mechanism that are about to be introduced need to occur so that we can get there. We can decarbonise our industry while building it for the future, so we can achieve those targets that have passed this parliament and that are now enshrined in our legislation.

Here we are, watching two extremes of ideological vandalism. On one side, we have those who say this is not enough: 'This is not enough; therefore we will do nothing.' On the other, we have those who say: 'This is too much; therefore we will do nothing.' Whether it is those opposite or those to my right, the outcome will be exactly the same: nothing. This is exactly what we've had for the last 10 years. If you don't want the same result, don't do the same thing again. This is really important reform. The world will not end. The sky will not fall in. We must make these changes if we are genuinely to make progress in addressing climate change.


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Closing the Gap Report