Radio Interview - ABC Eyre Peninsula and West Coast with Bernadette Clark.
SUBJECTS: Safety improvements are on the way for the intersection of railway Place with Port and Liverpool streets in Port Lincoln.
KAREN GROGAN, LABOR SENATOR FOR SOUTH AUSTRALIA: There's been calls from the community for a number of years now to upgrade the intersection at Port Street and Lincoln Highway. So I'm delighted to be here today to announce that funding has been committed and works can progress from here, which is excellent news. In recent times we've seen both the State and federal Labor governments commit to the other intersections leading up to this
intersection. So those changes are already in the works. So this is the final piece of that stretch of road that comes straight through
town effectively. And so the safety concerns that have been expressed by the community have been listened to and the money's
there ready to go. So I'm very excited.
BERNADETTE CLARK, HOST: How significant is an investment like this for Port Lincoln and the grain industry?
GROGAN: Oh, it's critical.
Port Lincoln is such a vibrant area and has huge, transport of grain, fertiliser, other goods and services but obviously significantly
grainn. And so being able to ensure that those trucks can make their way through this transport route safely and that the domestic
uses of the road can also remain safe is critical to the industry, the vital industry of this area.
CLARK: When can the port Lincoln community expect these works to begin?
GROGAN: I'm about to have a chat with the mayor and see how that's moving along. But my understanding is that it won't take long for this
to kick off. But I'll have to get back to you on an exact date.
CLARK: Viterra has been in talks about getting the train line back, so if that was to go ahead, do you think that means the money invested
into the traffic lights here wouldn't make much sense?
GROGAN: No, not at all. I know Viterra has got a submission in to the Federal government and it's currently being assessed. Reopening that
grain line is what they really want to do. But there are you know, there are obviously a range of assessments to be done on that. This upgrade will make a difference. Regardless, this upgrade is on hand right now and even if there was alternative routes, this is still a
very, very busy interstate intersection. And it's critical because it's that direct route to the port. So, no, I don't think there would be any negative implications or any reason why this wouldn't be an excellent upgrade for the safety of the community, regardless of what
happens with the terrorist proposal for a rail line.
CLARK: Just on safety, we're standing here and you can see how many trucks come through. How important do you think it will be for the
safety of not only drivers but pedestrians?
GROGAN: Well, we've been hearing over the last couple of years how the local community are really concerned. There have been issues with
pedestrians, with domestic traffic and tensions, rising tensions that we don't need in this community. We need to be able to solve
that problem. And I believe that working with Council, with Minister Koutsantonis, Minister Brock, Minister Carroll Brown from the
Federal system has come up with this solution and the Council have been great in terms of working out how exactly this project
should roll out to make sure that safety is at the heart of what we're doing.