The 2022-23 Budget: Murray-Darling Basin Plan

Senator Grogan: Yesterday we saw the Treasurer deliver a solid and responsible budget that draws the line under the drift, decline and decay of a decade of the coalition in government. Of particular note for South Australia is the Albanese government delivering on its Water for Australia plan to futureproof Australia's water resources.

National investments in critical water infrastructure projects are a key feature of this budget. Back home, the Murray-Darling Basin is considered the lifeblood of the state, and it is so important for all South Australians. It is of significant environmental, cultural and economic value to South Australia. Our Labor government will see the Murray-Darling Basin Plan delivered in full, and spending is urgently needed to get this plan back on track after nine years of neglect by those opposite.

This budget sees funds allocated to improving and updating the science of the Murray-Darling Basin: $22 million to update the science to ensure the impacts of climate change are accounted for in managing the Murray-Darling Basin water resources—something that advocates, scientists and the people living along the river have been calling for for so long—and a further $29 million to improve the trust and transparency in the Murray-Darling Basin, which have been missing for so long. This will include metering and monitoring of water use. The former government was never going to achieve the 450 gigalitres being returned to the Murray-Darling Basin river system. That will now be a reality under this government. We will deliver a strong, secure and sensible national water plan for the future.


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