Media Release - Facts Matter: Senate Inquiry Into Offshore Wind Industry Consultation Process  


Contrary to claims made by Senator Ross Cadell today, the Senate Inquiry into the offshore wind consultation process remains ongoing, with the reporting date extended until 24 April 2025.  This extension was agreed upon by the committee to ensure thorough consideration of the evidence. The committee will be considering future dates for the hearing.

A hearing date had not yet been determined by the committee, nor had any potential witnesses been contacted or asked to make travel arrangements.

It is now clear that Senator Cadell misled community members by advising them of a draft date that was never authorised by the committee.

Senator Cadell’s false assertion that witnesses had already made their way to Canberra in anticipation of a hearing is incorrect and spreads purposeful misinformation.

His actions have caused unnecessary distress to those affected and contravened Senate procedure in the process. Rather than working to improve consultation, he has instead complicated the process, creating further confusion for the very communities he claims to advocate for.

Through his actions today, Senator Cadell has shown blatant disrespect towards not only community members, but towards the committee, proper procedure and Parliament as a whole.

Senator Cadell’s deliberate misinformation is nothing more than a self-serving political stunt, using concerned community members for his own gain.

It is also disappointing to see newly elected Senator Leah Blyth take part in this stunt.

Instead of playing politics, Senator Cadell should take responsibility for misleading these individuals and reimburse them for their travel expenses.

The committee’s role is to conduct genuine, evidence-based inquiries that ensure all voices are heard.

Proper consultation cannot take place in an environment clouded by misinformation and political grandstanding.



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